Purpose and Rationale
At Hitchin Boys’ School we firmly believe that students should study a breadth of subjects that develop them into well-rounded individuals. Each curriculum area has comprehensive schemes of work in place that ensure students acquire substantial knowledge and understanding within each subject. We also provide opportunities for students to read around the subject, conduct research into key areas of study and be creative. However, we recognise that there is only a finite amount of time in the school day and we do not want this to restrict the extent to which students can deepen and further enrich their learning.
To ensure students continue to develop their learning outside of the classroom, we have created a Super Curriculum that provides inspirational tasks, activities and opportunities for students to engage with outside of school. These activities can take many forms including reading, watching videos online, downloading podcasts, attending lectures, visiting museums or entering academic competitions. These are created by subject teachers and designed to complement the curriculum students’ study in school. It provides students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of a subject, field or discipline that they may have an existing passion with or a curiosity about. Whilst the completion of Super Curriculum tasks is not compulsory, we highly recommend that every student should engage with an area that interests them.
As students work from Year 7 to 13, they will have the opportunity to build up a strong portfolio of Super Curriculum tasks. In an ever more competitive world, it is key for students to be able to demonstrate the opportunities and independent study they have taken outside of their academic studies.
Department Activities
Super Curriculum activities for each department can be downloaded below.
Click here to let us know about any work you have completed!